Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Project--Titanic

Last Friday, my homeroom teacher told us to make a diorama about Titanic with a shoe box. We need to write and designed our favorite scene  from Titanic. My mom suggested to me to use the shoe box as the ship and decorate the ship with boxes and art supplies. I painted the shoe box with black. (it is kind of messy) I covered two smaller boxes with paper, and paint the details with many colors. It is very hard! Also, I wrote RMS Titanic with dark blue. (RMS stands for Royal Mail Ship)This took about a week to make that. I paint a lot of windows with blue. I used dark blue to make the Titanic looks like it's broken. (very badly) I made some tiny people and put them in the scene. I think I will make some lifeboats with people in it to make it even better. This project is due on January 31st. I am so nervous! Wish me good luck! XD

More About Titanic
  • Titanic was designed by Mr. Thomas Andrews
  • She was unsinkable (but she sank)
  • Sister ship to RMS Olympic, and HMHS Britannic
  • The night of 14-15 April, 1912 was the day when the Titanic sank
  • She was the largest passenger steamship
  • 2223 passenger on board, but the lifeboats can only carry 1178 people


  1. Shu Wen, what lesson does people learn from the Titanic incident, can you tell me? Aunt Jia Lin

  2. I think that some of the rich people are selfish because the lifeboats actually can accommodate more people but they didn't. I enjoyed reading the book, though.

  3. Shu Wen, i know you are good in art and crafts <3
